Monday, April 28, 2014

Scientific Dating Advice For Geeks

Scientific Dating Advice For Geeks

You enjoy math, chemistry, and you thrash out algorithms to solve practical problems. You are smart; actually, you’re a geek! But being a geek shouldn’t stop you from actively dating. It would be possible that spending too much time studying, reading, solving problems, and pursuing other “egghead” activities might leave you a little light on social techniques. Here’s a scientific way to solve your dating problem.


Geeks are afraid to date. That’s a given. They are afraid they might come out too nerdy, weird or boring. But believe it or not, girls don’t avoid geeks like the plague. In fact, many people find geeks interesting and even cute. So relax, there’s no “Do Not Date” sign printed on your forehead. Dating is something that everybody does, so there’s no reason that a geek can’t do it well.


Your biggest challenge as a geek is to overcome this fright and ask girls out. Fear not, for what is unknown to you, is laid out step by step in the solution below.


Step 1: Overcoming Communication Issues

Probably the biggest dating problem facing geeks would be communication. Geeks tend to use too much technical jargon. In social settings, this gets worse because they tend to switch to sci-fi mode and lose non-geeks with their references to scenes from Star Wars or names from the planet Tatooine. So there: not everyone is into science fiction and video games.

Step 2: Bridging the communication gap

Quite simply, this issue can be most effectively solved by the techniques of effective communication. Effective communication states that misunderstanding can be avoided if parties try to understand the person they are talking to, and try to picture their conversation from that other person’s point of view.

When you talk to someone, a potential date, imagine if she will appreciate your geeky terms. What is she like, her background? What is she interested in? Try to picture your conversation through her eyes, and visualize how she would receive what you’re saying.

Step 3: Show Your Interest

Be genuinely interested in knowing her. Be aware of where they are coming from when they are talking to you. So, in turn, you can better understand them.

Remember that in most communications, the actual words make up only 7 percent of the message, while the remaining 93% is non-verbal (body language, facial expression, eye contact, voice tone and quality). So be mindful of the messages you send.

Step 4: Take It Slow

Date unhurriedly; take time in meeting people and asking more than one girl out on a date. There’s no need to dive into a deeper relationship with someone unless you have had the time to know each other better and to see if you are emotionally ready.

Step 5: Inject Variety

Don’t confine yourself to the usual dinner in a restaurant. Set up a date where one of you prepares a meal at home. Go outdoors for a picnic, kite flying, shopping for fresh produce, a fairground or carnival. Mix the routine with the adventurous venues, and you will have a wealth of diverse experiences and stories to share with your date.

Don’t confine yourself in dating from school or the neighborhood. There are many online dating services available, even for the geek in you. Visit a dating network for geeks like you interested in science, chemists, and biologists. That’s a good place to find a perfect match.

Step 6: Enjoy!

Date to make yourself happy. Who you date is entirely your choice. Whether she is a fellow geek or not, she must be someone you want to spend time with or you will be happy to go out with.

Enjoy the conversations that you are able to carry. Enjoy the busy weekends with several, interesting girls. Enjoy the places, activities and adventures that you embark in as you go on a date. Enjoy the fact that you are getting good at dating.

Being a geek should not get in the way of dating. You simply have to attack it like a math problem that you happily tackle. Know the givens; understand the unknown; and follow the procedure to solve the unknown; and, “Eureka! Dating problem, solved!”

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Should You Take a Break From Web Site Dating Services?

Should You Take a Break From Web Site Dating Services?

Have you met a lot of people from one or two dating web sites recently? Are you feeling a bit out of sorts, burned out, or just generally unhappy with the results?

If so, it may be time for a break, or hiatus, from any web site dating services. This article will discuss how you know it's time to focus on other things for a while, when to take that step and what to do in the meantime.

Break Those Bad Habits NowTake a look at what you are doing right now with respect to any web site dating services. Are you beating your head against the wall, because you just can't seem to find the person you are looking for? Is your negative attitude towards dating affecting other parts of your life, or are you dating a lot of people, but nothing ever seems to go anywhere?

When what you are doing isn't working, it only makes sense that change is inevitable. STOP DATING. Break the cycle that you're in at the moment, and don't visit a dating web site for a while. Try a week for starters, but realize that this process may take a lot longer than that.

Think about what you have been doing related to dating, and meeting people through web sites. Now, take those patterns, and DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE. Stop trying to meet someone, and focus on YOU for a bit.

Making the Break Once you've made the decision to stop dating for a while, go on the various web sites you have subscribed to, and put your account on hold. Just this act alone should take a huge weight off your shoulders.

Then, make a list of the things you've wanted to do for a while, but just haven't had the time to because of your web dating habits. Focus on your needs, your interests, your desires for a while. Learn how to make yourself happy, without needing the reassurance from someone you are dating through a web site to do so. Take a course, hit the library, reconnect with old friends. It doesn't matter what exactly you do, as long as you do something important for yourself.

Implement Changes After a week or so of this process, take some time to think about your past relationships, and how they have affected you emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Are you still holding any bitterness or anger towards someone? Perhaps focusing on these feelings can release some of the pent-up emotions that were holding you back previously from being successful in the web site dating world. Do the work required to release these negative feelings, and you'll be ready to start dating using a web site service again in no time.

Once you've taken the necessary steps to heal yourself, take inventory again. Are you happy with your life? Are you pursuing things that you enjoy? How do you feel about yourself? Are you ready to bring someone new into your life through a web dating site, now?

Time Frame? For some people, this process could take six months, or even a couple of years. Others could work through their issues in as little as three months, but that's probably pushing it a bit.

This may sound like a long time for someone not to date, and it is. But remember how miserable dating has made you? It may not be an easy situation to face, but without taking the time to deal with your issues, you'll just be spinning your wheels forever.

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Romanian Dating Services: Things to Keep in Mind

Romanian Dating Services: Things to Keep in Mind

Basically, a lot of men sign up for dating services made available over the internet. And naturally, they are in search of not only women who can get themselves hooked up in dating and courtship eventually but most of all, they do prefer those individuals who are currently and a hundred percent vacant to become their brides. That is what dating services are all about—finding the perfectly matched to-be couples. Now there are some things and considerations of course when you get yourself engaged in Romanian dating services. Like any other typical women, these Romanians ought to be respected. They don't make themselves accessible online to be treated rudely. They have their distinct characteristics and one man has to unearth the secrets on how the Romanian women can be made theirs.

As is common with a relationship that is not only fulfilling and rewarding, being involved with a Romanian woman, only if you are with your perfect match, is likewise an experience that would surely bring you into the comfort zone of a relationship level that is the envy of all. Men often die to know the top secrets that would make Romanian women fall for them.

As an advice, be choosy when it comes to searching for a Romanian woman partner. Find the best. Look at the profiles of your choices carefully. You would not want anything else but the best partner for you to live with. The truth is, Romanian women hardly put their trust on other people. So this is the homework that you would have to work on. Why should you be spending your precious time in sticking with a woman who is not your match? Better yet, take a look at the pointers to keep in mind as you work out in making a Romanian woman fall for you.

Here are the top tricks to keep in mind when you aim towards attracting a Romanian woman from a dating service.

First, Romanian women prefer intelligent talks with their men. If you can inject humor most of the times and keep up with interesting topics for conversation, the better. Intelligent men are for them sexy and interesting. How would you do it? Act as someone who is a good listener. Talk about her work, her hobbies, interests, and be very keen with such details.

Second, they value the importance of your word. Don't make promises which you may be unable to fulfill.

Third, send them SMS messages or write them notes that would definitely stir up their emotions. Use words that would surely melt their hearts. This would ensure that your relationship is attaining a firm foundation.

Fourth, spice up your talks by using humors, anecdotes, and the likes. Flirting is allowed too. Romanian women often remember those men who are able to paint a smile on their faces.

And finally, be real. Don't pretend. Show them who you really are. Don't complicate things by boiling up fictitious details about yourself. If you mean to keep them, be genuine.

Take note that these women also wish to find their Mr. Perfect from the Romanian dating services. Prove them that you are whom they are looking for. Be the partner who would make them feel loved and respected. Romanian women can be all too picky as well.

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Real Romance: A Guide To Transforming An Online Romance Into An Offline Reality

Real Romance: A Guide To Transforming An Online Romance Into An Offline Reality

Okay, so you’ve finally managed to ask that amazing person out (through e-mail of course) that you’ve met thru online dating but are you ready for a possibly real relationship in the real world?

Well, for starters, don’t even think that just because online dating services have somewhat made the whole dating scene a “little less complicated”, it doesn’t automatically mean that they’ve been able to make things any easier. Sure, online dating services have been able to make the whole “meet and greet” process “quick and simple” but that’s where online dating ends and real life dating begins.

There are many online dating sites on the internet that are not just offering their free online dating services and some “valuable” tips on how to get things going in the “real world” may actually help you a bit but in order for you to survive the real world dating scene, you must have realistic expectations.

While you must be open minded about the whole adult online dating scene, you must not be naïve to believe in everything that you read/see on other people’s profiles. Again, while not everyone are coming up with false claims about themselves, its better be safe than sorry.

Sometimes it’s actually wiser to just meet up with the person that you’ve met thru online dating after interacting online for just awhile. While this will give you some time to actually get to know your new “friend”, this short span of time will at least give you a hint if this person that you’ve met through online dating is really someone whom you’d like to date outside the online dating arena. Try to interact on a more “personal basis” aside from exchanging e-mails or online instant messages, why not try to communicate the “old fashioned way” by calling each other up? Sometimes you can also get a better feel of a person’s personality by the way they carry themselves while they speak. There are some people who tend to have a weird laugh, even a creepy one, so can are you still willing to date someone like that? It’s best to a least get over some of the minor glitches that comes with online dating before you end up wasting your time with the wrong person.

As for finally going out on your date with someone you’ve met from these free online dating service sites, it’s best to keep things casual at first. Don’t try to rush intimacy because it might just blow back to your face. Try to get to know more of the person you’ve met through online dating just a little deeper before you decide on “taking the plunge” because you never can be too careful with strangers. Some might actually turn out to be psychos, married people or sexual predators even. It’s always best to not let your guard down even if the person you’ve met through online dating “seems nice”.

Once you’re already sitting across your date from the online world. You must remember some simple rules when trying to engage in some “witty conversation”:

Never ask overtly sexual questions nor make sexual innuendoes: men usually commit this mistake when they meet someone that they’re really physically attracted to. While there are those who to quick test the waters and are seeking to easily get lucky. Women sometimes makes the same mistake and basically for the same reasons as men but the point is, even though these people have put themselves out in the online dating scene, they are not offering free sex to just about anyone that they meet.

Never interrogate your date: while it’s good that you’re very much interested in your date and would want to get to know him or her on a deeper level, it is never safe to assume that you can ask your date just about anything that pops in your head. This can just make your date feel every uncomfortable and uneasy – how would you feel if you been made to feel like you’re under a microscope being scrutinized?

Be open minded: always remember that you’re two different people. No matter how much you have in common, you still have your own thoughts and ideas and while you or your date may not always agree on some things it’s best not to bee too biased or judgmental over other people’s opinions.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Internet Dating

Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Internet Dating

One of the major contributions of the internet to the dating scene is internet dating. While the idea was frowned upon by most people in the past, now we see more and more people getting into it. Among the hundreds of internet dating sites, a particular site arouses the interest of most people. These are the sites which provide free internet dating services. These sites, however helpful, continue to have some negative feedback from people who had bad experiences out of internet dating. How did this happen and how do we protect future online daters from these?

The concept of internet dating services is rather simple. You register, make your profile, and then find other members by browsing through their profiles. If you are interested in a particular person, you send a message. The other person then responds. Or someone who might be interested in you would send a message that you'd respond to. Anything beyond that, such as meeting in person, exchanging of particulars, and others, would be your call.

Because these sites are free, practically anybody can be a member. And because of the large membership, it would be hard for the website host to monitor, more so regulate, the individual activities of their members. Rarely do they perform background checks or screenings of new members.

Now this is where the dangers usually lie. It is part of human nature to trust other people. The problem is people can be too trusting at times. For example, during the first meeting or date, the girl invites the guy to dinner at her place. The guy turns out to be an ex-convict or serial killer. Take note of internet dating rule number 1: for the first meeting, always meet in a public place. That way, you can easily ask for help just in case things you need it. Friends can also be there to serve as "lookouts." This is not to scare you, but there are some horror stories of date rape and even death as a result of online dating. That is why it is important to be careful at all times.

Another kind of internet fraud is to pretend to lose some money in any way imaginable, such as by robbery or hospitalization. He or she then asks for money from the other person. Never give money or credit card information to anyone, even if you think you trust the person enough.

To avoid these, here are some things that you can do. First, never post personal information in your profile. This should be reserved when you've developed a level of confidence and trust with the person. Also, take note of any changes in attitude or behavior of the person you are talking to. Erratic changes in behavior and mood swings are some symptoms of serious mental disorders.

Free internet dating services can be safe venues to meet and get to know people. But like everything else in the internet, do not take everything based on face value alone. Conduct some research about the website. See if there are any negative comments from past members. Take note of the safety precautions and keep the danger signs in mind always. Whether for free or not, internet dating would still be risky if we don't know how to avoid its perils.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Proven Successful Secrets For Dating Black Women

Proven Successful Secrets For Dating Black Women

Men who are interested in dating black women may find that they have to challenge the commonly held notions about what such a relationship entails. Recent census figures indicate that in the United States, there are about roughly 7 eligible black men for every 10 single black women.

From the black male perspective, this large disparity looks like a very enticing proposition, providing them with a wide variety and range of potential partners among black women. But from the black female perspective, it means that due to this shortfall of available black men, dating within their own race creates an even larger challenge. Because of this, many African-American women are finding that interracial dating is growing as an attractive means for finding a mate.

Attitudes among society as a whole are very often slow to change. This can be even more true when issues of race are involved. At times, society can be unforgiving of or scornful toward non-traditional relationships, in particular relationships that appear to openly attempt to break down the barriers of stereotype. However, as society slowly becomes more accepting, we should be encouraged because there are signs that things are changing, particularly when considering the prospect of dating black women.

Once considered a taboo, interracial dating is enjoying a recent surge. Some of that increase in popularity is no doubt due to the shortage of eligible black men, but it must also be supported by a change in attitude among those who are seeking a committed relationship. Not just society's perception is in question, rather the perceptions of those themselves who are dating and involved in such relationships must change in to support the acceptance of interracial dating.

Specifically, men of other races dating black women must be willing to accept that not only will such a relationship be challenged by society, but the challenges will extend to the woman herself. No doubt at times she will find herself conflicted over the desire to maintain a relationship with a man of another race and with supporting the values of women of her own heritage.

As difficult as it may be, the man who chooses dating black women over dating a woman of his own race must be able to put aside years of unhealthy attitudes. Thanks to more modern thinking, this is isn't nearly as big a problem for younger men. For older men who grew up in an environment that was less accepting of mixed couples, the challenge can be difficult and, at times, downright overwhelming.

Black women of today are becoming much more aggressive about seeking out relationships outside their own race, and the disparity of single black men to single black women is one of the big drivers of that attitude. Men who are interested in dating black women need to understand and appreciate the wonderful complexities that make up their potential partner.

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Profile 101: Why Should Somebody Go For All The Fuss Just To Create A Profile?

Profile 101: Why Should Somebody Go For All The Fuss Just To Create A Profile?

Online dating is so prevalent nowadays. Every year, more and more people are being hooked up to their Internet just to get online dating services. In fact, almost 40 million people in the United States were reported to have supposedly used online dating services just for the year 2003.

Membership growth is continually increasing at an unprecedented rate.

However, there are still people who complain about not getting the desired result they had been looking for in online dating services.

The reason? It’s in the profiles. Many people just don’t realize this, but it’s their profiles that really matters.

Why? Here’s a list of the reasons why profiles are important in being successful online dating users.

1. First impressions last

Even if it sounds like a cliché it is true that first impressions really matter a lot and create a lasting impression on the other person. Therefore, it’s best for people to project good first impressions by creating profiles that are worth reading.

2. It’s the only solid information one can get hold of.

Information stated in somebody’s profiles is the only solid data the other person can get hold of in the meantime. So, it’s best for a person to give them what they deserve to know.

3. Photographs can speak a thousand words but are not enough.

Contrary to most popular beliefs, pictures alone cannot reveal a portion of an individual’s personality. It may denote some meaning to a certain degree but lack solid information, in which most people are trying to find.

Other people are dying to know more about other people, so, it would be better to give them what they have searched for.

4. Great profiles improve the chances of meeting somebody who is really interested with the concerned person.

It’s simple. The logic goes like this: If a person likes someone based on the profiles given, chances are, they will be compatible because the searcher was able to relate to somebody who might be in the same level of interest as he or she is.

Hence, it all depends on the profile of a person if someone wants to find somebody based on compatibility.

So, for people to get positive results in online dating, it’s best to maintain a profile that sounds and looks as good as the person who owns it. If this is the case, then, online dating can give a person some things more than the gratifications he or she longs to have.

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